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7Cs of Communication in Business Communication

 Explain the Principles of Effective Communication:

The seven C’s of communication are also called the principles of communication that ensures effective communication. The seven C’s are as follows:

  1. Candid
  2. Clear
  3. Complete
  4. Concise
  5. Concrete
  6. Correct
  7. Courteous

Read in detail about 7Cs of Communication:

  • Candid:

The message should be straightforward and genuine. It shouldn’t be indirect. If the message is indirect, it will lead to doubts and confusion among the receivers that will further hinder the work.


  • Clear:

The message should be clear, whether it is delivered orally or in writing. Clarity of thought and clarity of expression, both, are required for effective communication. A sender has the responsibility to convey the message to the receiver, so he should have clear thoughts regarding the objectives of communication. Then, he should select appropriate channels to convey the message and consider how the receivers will decode (understand) it. The sender should carefully choose words and symbols to organize the words in sentences.

Clarity can be maintained by considering the following points:

  • To maintain clarity in the message, the sender should choose simple words instead of advanced vocabulary.

  • He should use short sentences instead of long sentences.

  • He should write short paragraphs and insert not more than one main idea into a sentence.

  • The sender should use headings, sub-headings, capital letters, italic letters, graphs, line charts, and pie charts. These elements make the message more effective and readable to create a visual impact.

  • The sender should also consider whether he is writing for common readers or professionals. If the receivers are common readers, they should avoid technical words or jargon because it can create ambiguity and confusion. But, if he is writing for professionals, he can freely use jargon.
  • Complete:

Completeness is imperative for effective communication. Incomplete messages create misunderstanding and misinterpretations among the receivers and waste time of the receivers. That’s why the message should include all the necessary information in a logical structure.

For completeness, the sender should consider the following points in mind:



W- When

W- Where

W- Why

H- How

These W-questions help to achieve completeness in the message.

  • Concise:

Conciseness stands for conveying the message in the fewest possible words while maintaining completeness and clarity. Unnecessary information, repetition of the ideas and sentences create boredom and waste a lot of time of the readers. Therefore, it is essential to use fewer words and avoid unnecessary explanations.

  • Concrete:

Concreteness means conveying the message by providing specific and factual information rather than conveying the message by giving vague and generalized statements. By including facts and figures in the message can help to achieve concreteness.

  • Correct:

Another important point is that the message should be correct in spelling, grammar, punctuation, format, content and statistical information. Incorrect and inaccurate information spoils the image of the organization and breaks the trust of employees and stakeholders.

  • Courteous:

Courtesy is imperative while communicating the message. It helps to maintain a healthy environment in the workplace. The sender should be considerate, compassionate and friendly while conveying the message, and he should avoid sarcasm and rudeness while communicating the message.

For related topics visit our Business Communication Page.

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