Repair My English

Improve Vocabulary with 10 Easiest Methods: Guaranteed Success

Improve Vocabulary by yourself

Do you lack vocabulary when you speak in English? Would you like to know how to improve vocabulary skills at home? If yes, then this blog is for you.

You can’t deny the fact that vocabulary is an integral part of any language. Whether you speak, write, listen, or read, you need a plethora of words.

The major problem in learning the English language is that every word has endless synonyms, and it is nearly impossible to learn all synonyms in one go.

The next problem in learning the English language is when most people focus on learning advanced vocabulary. And they frequently ask: How can I learn advanced vocabulary? Such people think that speaking advanced vocabulary words makes a better impression on others than using simple words, which is an entirely wrong perception.

Do you think the same when you speak Hindi or any regional language? If not, why do you put so much pressure on yourself to learn advanced words? Even native speakers never think about using a simple or an advanced word while speaking in English.

The third problem that English language learners face is a lack of words while speaking in English. However, they don’t lack words when they write. Are you also facing the same problem? Would you like to improve your vocabulary? 

This blog is about how to improve your vocabulary quickly by yourself :

1) Change the way you think: 

Do you want to make an impression on others using advanced vocabulary words? But, do you think the same when you speak the Hindi language? If not, then why you need advanced vocabulary words when you want to express yourself in the English language. Even the native speakers of English don’t think about using advanced words when they communicate. They speak English naturally as we speak in Hindi or any other regional language. So, don’t take unnecessary pressure on yourself. Changing the way you think can help you improve the vocabulary fast. 

2) Start with an easy word to learn:

When you read, write, or listen, make sure that you choose an easy word you are unaware of and learn its meaning. Now, you have the question of why are you selecting an easy word? 

Improve Vocabulary with Books

The main reason is that it is a lot easier to learn and keep an easy word in memory for a long time than learning a difficult word. The early you grasp a difficult word the earlier, you forget. That’s why you need to start with an easy word that you don’t know, learn, and use that word in your speech, and stick to the same strategy to learn as many words as possible. 

3) Read an exciting text:

 Everyone knows how to improve vocabulary by reading novels and books. However, while reading, don’t try to learn all the words you are unaware of because it can be time-consuming. Now, you may wonder how to improve vocabulary while reading. 

Improve Vocabulary by relaxing

The answer for this is that you read an article in any newspaper and magazine, and you find that there are ten words which you don’t understand; in such a situation, don’t try to learn all those words in one sitting. Just try to find out which is the most interesting word out of 10 words that you didn’t understand.

The next step is to guess the meaning of that word, find out its meaning, learn the synonym of that word, and actively use it while speaking in English. Consequently, by choosing an interesting word while reading will help you to improve your verbal vocabulary.

4) Learn only one word a day:

You may have joined a coaching institute because you want to improve your vocabulary in 30 days and want to speak fluent English in a short time. But, after six months, you realize that you forgot everything you have learned. Did this happen to you?

Such a situation occurs when you try to grasp vast information in a short time. In contrast, you can retain new vocabulary words in your memory for a long time when you learn slowly. Therefore, you shouldn’t push yourself by learning many vocabulary words in a month or so.

Improve Vocabulary while Writing


 Make a routine to learn only one word each day and put that word into practice as many times as possible while speaking in English. Even if you want to enroll in a Spoken English course, register for at least three to six months’ duration, and learn slowly.

5) Make use of the word in your speech:

 As you have started learning one word a day, and you think, what is next? Now, you need to use the word in your speech. This way, you will learn how to improve your vocabulary while speaking. Make sure you use the vocabulary word whenever you talk in English. The more you say the word, the more comfortable you become with using the phrase. As a result, you get used to speaking that vocabulary word confidently while you communicate in English. 

Improve vocabulary while conversing

It happens when you speak certain words as Sorry, Please or Thank you. Do you need to recall these three words whenever you speak English? The answer is no, for sure, as it naturally comes to our mind. The same thing happens when you repetitively try to use other vocabulary words while speaking.

6) Learn the meaning in your regional language and its synonym:

Instead of learning the meaning of a difficult word in English, learn the meaning in your native language, and choose its closest synonyms.

Besides, learn the closest synonyms of the word. But, first, you need to understand what synonyms are. Synonyms are words that are similar in meaning. For example, you speak the word “freedom” frequently in your speech, and its closest synonym is “liberty,” but you have never used this word while speaking earlier. The next time you want to use “freedom” in your speech, replace it with the word “liberty.” 

In addition to learning synonyms, pay attention to the pronunciation of the specific word. This way, you can improve your vocabulary and pronunciation simultaneously. 

7) Keep a diary for your progress : 

Maintaining a diary can help you to improve your vocabulary and spelling. For this reason, you should write the word which you have learned in your journal every day. Make it a habit. If you write it every day, it becomes easy for you to revise it later. And, sometimes when you forget a specific word, you can quickly locate it in your journal. 

Improve Vocabulary by writing

Maintaining the journal will also keep you motivated in the process of learning. Moreover, your journal should also be in alphabetical order so that you can arrange the words alphabetically and quickly access the information mentioned in it.

8) Revise on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis: 

It is crucial to revise whatever you have learned on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis. It should be your continuous efforts. Only learning one word a day will not solve your problem of increasing your vocabulary until you put those words in your speech. Therefore, it essential to give equal importance to learning and revising. 

Improve Vocabulary while reading

At the end of every month, check every word in your diary and ask yourself – Am I using all 30 vocabulary words in my speech which I have learned this month? If the answer is – Yes, that means you are on the right track. This technique is beneficial to improve speaking vocabulary. 

9) Watch English seasons:

Develop the habit of watching English seasons regularly. It is the most entertaining way to improve vocabulary without reading. Initially, you can start watching with subtitles if you can’t understand the accent. But, after some time, start watching movies without subtitles. You will see your listening skills improve after a few months.

Improve Vocabulary by watching TV

In addition to listening, learn new vocabulary words by guessing the meaning according to the context in which it is used. So, if you watch an English season for half an hour every day, you can improve your vocabulary in 30 minutes. 

10) Practice, Practice, Practice: 

The last step to success is practice. The more you practice, the better your level of speaking. Whatever you have learned during your journey of learning English, make sure you put it into practice almost every single day. The initial period is difficult for everyone, but you never have to look back if you thrive through this time.

Improve Vocabulary with friends

Keep yourself motivated throughout this journey by treating it as a second language, not as something without which you have no life or existence. Even native English speakers take many years to learn a second language like French or German. So, if it takes a little longer to have a good command of the English language, what’s a big deal?

To conclude:

Though every individual has different needs to learn English, some people want to crack interviews; some require it to have an impression on others, while some want to improve so that they will never feel neglected by friends and family. 

Whatever your reasons are, all the above tips will help you make your life better. You will feel more confident. You will communicate more effectively, and your life will become more fulfilling. By following the tips mentioned above will help you to improve your vocabulary in English by yourself.

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