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What is the importance of communication in an organization?

Communication plays a significant role in the lives of people and organisations. Without communication, an organisation can’t perform its functions effectively. If the communication is effective, subordinates will easily understand the message and perform the tasks accordingly, which further results in an organisation’s smooth functioning.

The following points highlight the importance of communication in the workplace:

1. For effective running of the business:

Communication is imperative for a smooth workflow. It helps to create a positive environment in the organisation. Effective communication helps to convey policies and goals to the employees. Management can only alter and control the behaviour of subordinates in the desired direction if they communicate with them effectively.

2. For Planning:

Planning is the fundamental requirement in the organisation. Generally, management and senior authorities plan the tasks so that they can be implemented in the organisation. However, planning can be done by considering the internal and external environment of the organisation. Once planning is done, the next step is to communicate the plan effectively to the employees so that they can implement the same in the workplace. Therefore, communication is the basis of planning.

3. For motivating employees:

Communication helps to keep the employees motivated. Communication in the organisation is effective if employees can speak freely and express themselves to the management. Effective communication helps the management to keep their employee motivated and create positivity in the workplace.

4. For providing job satisfaction to employees:

Bad communication creates misunderstanding and doubts among employees. As a result, employees become unproductive and unresponsive, which further hinders the growth of the organisation. Effective communication eliminates the scope of misunderstanding and develops co-operation among employees. It boosts the morale of the employees and improves their quality of life.

5. Promotes co-operation and industrial Peace:

Effective communication fosters mutual understanding and confidence among organisation members. It facilitates co-operation between the employer and the employees; without it, there can be no successful industrial relations or peace. Suggestions to management can only be conveyed through proper communication.

6. Increases productivity and reduces cost:

Effective communication helps to save time and effort for employers and employees. It increases the productivity of the employees and minimises distractions: thus boosts production and lower costs. To achieve the benefits of large scale production, many people must work together in a group and communicate effectively.

7. Public relations:

In today’s business world, every company must establish and sustain a positive corporate image in society. Management can project a positive corporate image only through communication. Strong communication assists management in establishing healthy relationships with staff, clients, stockholders, government officials, and the general public.

8. Zero-defect  Marketing and Quality Services:

In the competitive era, the market aims at zero defect marketing and wants to provide quality services to the consumers. Healthy communication between the company and customers helps to create a long-lasting relationship. If the company’s representatives patiently listen to customers’ problems and try to resolve their issues, it can help improve the company’s market value.

9. Decision Making:

Communication is vital for the participation of workers in management by involving them in the decision-making process. By considering employees’ suggestions in the decision-making process builds trust between employees and employers and improves productivity in the workplace.

10. Promotes team building:

Team members will be able to rely on one another with better communication. You won’t make anyone on your team feel like they have to support the whole group. Good communication skills will help the entire team have a positive work experience. When people realize that you listen to other people patiently and understand their problems, the work environment improves naturally.

For related Topics:

Types of Communication

7Cs of Communication

Process of Communication

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