Repair My English

Repair My English is a website that advocates self-paced learning. As speaking fluent English is a major problem for Asian people so this website provides proven strategies and plethora of material to improve fluency in English.

If you are also one of those people for whom English is major hindrance for your personal and professional growth, then you must read the blogs:

Improve English Fluency: 10 Easiest Strategies for Students

Improve Vocabulary with 10 Easiest Methods: Guaranteed Success


Learning English Speaking Skills
Reading Skills

Repairmyenglish has a separate section for Grammar that  covers following Topics:

  • Adverb 

If you are a school or a college Student then these blogs will help you to improve your Grammar and score good marks in your class tests and Final exams.

Besides, if you are a working professional, and you feel your Grammar is weak and when you try to speak in English, it is a major hindrance. Then, the blogs will definitely help you to learn Grammar while staying at home.

However, only reading blogs is insufficient; you have to implement what you have read, and you will surely see the improvement in a short time.

In addition, repairmyenglish, also covers various topics for those aspirants who want to pursue higher studies and want to settle abroad. We cover the blogs in the following areas.

Reading these blogs can help you to improve you band scores drastically.  

Business Communication

Further, the students pursuing Engineering, Pharmacy and Management related courses can also prepare for the Business Communication subject by reading the blogs on the website. You can complete your assignments and improve your score in final exams by reading the blogs. Do visit our special section:

Business Communication


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